Discover the real animals behind the book CAN WE BE FRIENDS?
Written and illustrated by Erica Sirotich, 2020
The stories that appear in CAN WE BE FRIENDS? are based on true stories of unexpected animal friendships from around the world! See photos of each animal pair here and follow the links to watch videos and learn more about their amazing lives. Or click the button below to buy the book! Copies purchased from Tombolo Books (Erica’s local indie bookstore) will arrive signed (for a limited time).
Owen and Mzee
One of the most well known and loved stories included in CAN WE BE FRIENDS? is that of Owen the hippo calf and Mzee the giant tortoise (pronounced “meh-ZAY”). This pair came together in 2004 after Owen lost his family to a tsunami. At a Kenya sanctuary called Haller Park, Owen met the 130 year old tortoise, and they became constant companions. How sweet is this pair?!
Photo credit: AFP
Watch a 30 minute documentary about Owen and Mzee’s friendship on Vimeo.
Koko and her Kittens
Another unexpected friendship featured in CAN WE BE FRIENDS? is that of Koko the gorilla and her kittens. Koko is most well known for the sign language she learned from Penny, her caretaker and a researcher at The Gorilla Foundation in California. Koko used her signs to ask Penny for a kitten! She had several kitty friends over the years. Learn more about the amazing gorilla and her feline companions at the website.
Photo credit: The Gorilla Foundation
Watch a video created by The Gorilla Foundation of Koko and her favorite kittens and cats over the years.
Kago and Kumbali
The dog and cheetah that appear in CAN WE BE FRIENDS? are Kago and Kumbali, who live at the Metro Richmond Zoo in Virginia. Zookeepers have discovered that cheetah cubs and puppies have a lot in common and, when they grow up together, can become very good friends. This playful pair is no exception. Learn more about Kago and Kumbali, or even plan a visit to see them, at the zoo’s website.
Photo credit: Metro Richmond Zoo
Visit the Metro Richmond Zoo’s website to watch videos and learn more about the adorable dog and cheetah pair!
Albert and Themba
CAN WE BE FRIENDS? also includes the story of a baby elephant named Themba and his friend Albert the sheep. They met at a South Africa sanctuary where, despite their differences, they became the best of friends. In photos and videos of this pair, you can feel the companionship and comfort they found in one another.
Photo credit: Caters News Agency
Watch the full-length documentary, WILD & WOOLLY, about Albert the sheep and his friend Themba the elephant.
Ben and Duggie
The dog Ben and dolphin Duggie (“doo-ghee”) might be the most surprising pair that appears in CAN WE BE FRIENDS? How did a dog, who lives on land, meet a dolphin, whose home is the ocean? Believe it or not, this pair swam together almost every day in the coastal waters of Donegal, Ireland. Their unique friendship, and the others shown above, are chronicled in CAN WE BE FRIENDS? I hope readers enjoy the book and are inspired by its message that, in spite of our differences, we can be friends.
Photo credit:
Go to National Geographic to watch a video of Ben and Duggie playing together off the Donegal coast!
CAN WE BE FRIENDS? was written and illustrated by Erica Sirotich and published by HarperCollins in September, 2020. This page is a supplementary resource for readers of the book. For a complete bibliography and glossary, see the book.